28. 04. 2024 - 30. 04. 2024
Estoril Convention Center
Email: ectes@conventus.de
Dear colleagues, Dear friends,
It is with justified pride, as congress president and on behalf of the Portuguese Society of Surgery (SPC) and the Lusitanian Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ALTEC-LATES), institutional members of ESTES, that I welcome you to ECTES 2024, to Portugal, to Lisbon, to the Sun Coast and to the Estoril Congress Centre, where ECTES 2024, our next European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, will take place from 28 to 30 April.
Firstly, I would like to commend Radko Komadina, from Slovenia, from whom I received the presidential testimonial medal, and congratulate him for the excellent congress he and his team provided us with in Ljubljana.
As in previous editions, ECTES 2024 will maintain its global character, with speakers from all over the world and related national, foreign and international scientific societies, in a highly diverse and dynamic context as it has been in the last decades, with many innovations and different treatment strategies.
The days from 24 to 26 April will be dedicated to pre-congress courses and workshops (MRMI, MUSEC, ATLS, ETC, DSATC, Polytrauma and CCRISP, among others), which will take place in different historical cities with easy access to the capital and will be organised not only by SPC and ALTEC but also by other societies and ESTES itself, taking advantage of the presence of an extraordinary foreign faculty; congress participants will have preference and better conditions for registration in these pre-congress activities.
With the collaboration of our sections of Emergency Surgery, Disaster and Military Surgery, Skeletal Trauma and Sports Medicine, Polytrauma and Visceral Trauma, and both the Education Committee and the recently established Research Committee, we will have an excellent multidisciplinary programme, focused on trauma and the critically ill surgical patient, in order to promote contacts and exchange of knowledge.
I am sure that ECTES 2024 will be a stimulating event. Join us in Estoril. Together we will rediscover the World of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
Kind regards,
Carlos Mesquita
ECTES 2024 congress president
Frank Hildebrand
ESTES president 2023-24