14. 09. 2022 - 16. 09. 2022

Medizinische Universität Graz, Institut für Anatomie


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Name: Sylvia Reischl
Email: sylvia.reischl@aofoundation.org
Tel: +43 664 925 3869

This AO Trauma course teaches current concepts and techniques at the highest level for experienced surgeons in orthopedic trauma.
The course aims to convey an understanding of the evaluation, stabilization, and define treatment of patients with pelvic and acetabular injuries, guiding participants in developing the knowledge and skills to treat these injuries and improve patient outcomes.

At the end of the course participants should be able to:
– demonstrate the management of polytrauma patients with pelvic and acetabular injuries
– describe the surgical anatomy of the pelvis and acetabulum
– apply surgical approaches to the pelvis and acetabulum
– perform techniques of internal and external fixation of pelvic and acetabular fractures
– recognize the ongoing controversies and special situations in the treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures