28. 02. 2020 - 29. 02. 2020
Former General Hospital (“Altes AKH”), University Campus - Courtyard 2, Lecture Room C2
Name: Congress Office - Ms. Catherine Tomek
Email: tbi2020@medacad.org
Tel: +431405138318
This congress will be under the sign of new and scientific approach in Neuropsychopharmacology, Brainstimulation, Stem cell research, Excitotoxicity and Apoptosis after TBI, Brain Computer Interface, Neuroradiology, Neurotechnology and Robotics, Telemedicine, Long-term Rehabilitation in Mild and Severe TBI, Pain after TBI, Intensive Care and Prognosis after TBI, Clinical Research in Acute and Postacute Care, Prevention in Intensive Care and Long-term Rehabilitation, Sexual relationships and TBI, Neuropsychological and Psychological Changes in TB Injured and Families on Short and Long-term Level, Sociomedical and Growing old, Outcome and Quality of Life after TBI.