08. 02. 2019 - 09. 02. 2019
Orangerie at Schönbrunn Palace
Name: Claudia Gebhart
Email: lki.un.event@tirol-kliniken.at
Tel: +4368181302429
The topics of the course cover anatomy and biomechanics of the patellofemoral joint, anterior knee pain, patella instability, degenerative changes in the patellofemoral joint and a comprehensive discussions on therapy options of all pathologic conditions including patellofemoral joint replacement.
In this cadaver lab there is enough time for each participant to perform all procedures step by step with help of experienced instructors at the table.
Please register soon as participation spots are limited.
This Cadaver Course is part two of the V. PATELLA INTERNATIONAL; a symposium with an international highest level faculty will be held in Feldkirch, 1-2 February 2019. Please see respective event for details.